Reset – Starting Over When It’s All Messed Up

In last weekend’s message, “Reset”, Pastor Dave looked at Noah in Genesis chapter 7.  For everyone who has ever felt the need for a fresh start, Noah’s story shows us that no matter how bad things get, God can restore every situation and every person.  Use this week’s Life Action Points (LAPs) to help you live out the message today.

LAP #1: Read Gen. 7:1  Noah stood out among his generation as one who was righteous.  Righteousness is God’s purpose for you to be a truly good person.  No pretense, but to live a life of goodness rooted in Christ. Have you called on the Name of Jesus to save you?  If not why not reconcile yourself to God now?

LAP #2: Read Gen. 7:2-5  It was a big project to create an Ark with space enough for a male and female of every animal, then feed them and care for them for a year!  Many critics say the Noah account could not have happened. But it was very possible even with ancient tools and technology.  Do you believe what God says happened or are you informed by skeptics of the Bible?  Ask God to reveal truth to you, that you might remove every barrier to faith in the One True God.

LAP #3: Read Gen. 7:10  When the flood waters came, Noah and his family boarded the Ark and implemented God’s first plan of salvation for mankind in history.  The Ark was a foreshadow of the enduring salvation that was to come in Christ.  The newness and freedom that comes only from an abiding relationship with Jesus is your for the asking.  Take steps to grow in your faith every day, by reading the Word, praying, and fellowshipping with other believers.

LAP #4: Read Gen. 7:13  Noah included his three sons and their wives in God’s plan for the redemption of the world.  Where does your family fit into your walk with God?  Is God calling you to reach out to family members in a new way for what God wants to do through you?  Ask God to guide your next steps.

LAP #5: Read Gen. 7:21-23  All flesh that was not on the Ark died.  Can you imagine how much it broke God’s heart to see His creation suffer?  There is another day of judgement coming in which those who choose to go their own way will suffer eternal death.  Pray for the salvation of those you know and love.  Ask God to reveal Himself to them and to give you the opportunity to speak truth into their lives.  Then expect that opportunity to arise as you ready yourself for it.