Standing Out In a Crowd

In last weekend’s message, “Standing Out in a Crowd”, Pastor Dave explored Noah’s purpose from God to help renew creation.  Noah had to step out of his comfort zone to be part of God’s plans.  And that’s exactly what Noah did!  Use this week’s LAPs to help you apply this message to your life.

LAP – Day 1: Read Genesis 1:11-12.  In the days of Noah, most people made the conscious choice to corrupt their purpose and abandoned the awareness of God.  Make the choice to follow God each morning.   

LAP – Day 2.  Read Gen. 6:13.  In Noah’s day people were far from God, so much so that their corruption corrupted the earth.  And God was about to use the earth as an object lesson so people would know that God is there and He is calling out to us.  The net effect of your life should be to make things better wherever you go.  Find a fresh way to show love toward someone by meeting a need today. 

LAP – Day 3.  Read Genesis 6:14-16. Noah followed God even though it was difficult.  He built the ark in preparation for the coming judgement.  When God speaks be ready to listen.  He speaks in a variety of ways: the Bible, the Holy Spirit, circumstance, prayer and even through other people.

LAP – Day 4.  Read Genesis 6:17-21.  God established a covenant with Noah to redeem humanity.  God is looking for people to partner with Him in His redemptive work in the world.  Pray, asking God to make clear your purpose in alignment with His purposes. 

LAP – Day 5.  Read Genesis 6:22.  Noah was a man who did what God asked of Him.  Faithfulness and Obedience are qualities that set people apart for the work of God.  These are qualities that are build daily as you live well, keep your word, and are ready to serve others.  When was a recent time when you showed yourself to be faithful and obedient to God?