In last weekend’s message, entitled “OPEN”, Pastor Dave looked at Luke 19: 1-10. In this passage we took a look at a wealthy man named Zacchaeus, who was a social outcast. He was interested in Jesus and he came near. This was all Jesus needed to see! He reached out to Zacchaeus and wound up staying for dinner that night. Little did Zacchaeus know this dinner party would change his life! Because Jesus is in the life changing business. Use this week’s Life Action Points to help you apply this scripture to your life.
Luke 19:1-3. Zacchaeus was interested in Jesus. Being open to God is the starting point to living your whole life for God. Do you know anyone who is open and needs to hear the Good News. Pray for this person(s). Ask God to give you an opportunity to share of God’s work in your life. Invite them to join you for an upcoming worship gathering with your church.
Luke 19:4. Zacchaeus went out of his way and climbed a tree to get a glimpse of Jesus. Do you have that kind of desire to be with Jesus? Its the starting point to living your whole life with God. Pray to God to fuel excitement about Jesus in your heart and mind. Look for God at work around you and find a way to join Him.
Luke 19:5-6. Jesus noticed Zacchaeus up in the sycamore tree and made arrangements to stay in the home of Zacchaeus while he was in Jericho. When you take steps toward God, He then reaches out to you. If God is silent in your life, you probably need to take a step of faith. Something to spur you out of your place of comfort. An adventure with Christ is waiting for you!
Luke 19:7, 10. The hypocritical religious crowd grumbled that Jesus went to stay in the house of a “sinner” But Jesus made it known that He came for the sake of “lost” people. Lost people are people who yet to be “found” in God’s story. Like Jesus, you’re meant to help lost people become found. Plan some time to be a lost person you know and share a story of God’s goodness in your life.
Luke 19:8, 9. The proof of Zacchaeus’ repentance is that he decided to make things right by paying back 4 times the amount of anyone he cheated. Breaking with your past is more than saying sorry, it’s making things right. Once Zacchaeus took this step, Jesus declared “Salvation has come to this house.” Not because Zacchaeus earned it by works, but because he repented and put his trust in Jesus. Do you need to take any steps to make things right from your past? If so, don’t delay. Invite God to go with you. And take that step of obedience to God.